
 This specific page is going to be about things that we want to accomplish...sooner rather than later. Some of our "goals" on here may seem stupid and silly, because some of them are..but we are fully aware of that & thats probably part of the reason we put it on here..:)

- Jaden & Sophia <3

    So, basically...there are those things that you want to do with your life. Some people call them dreams, others call them bucket lists...But we call them, aspirations. They don't have to be something big, extravagant, brilliant even..they just have to make you happy. Well, these are the things that will make us happy....things as simple as learning how to cook---we want to make the tastiest dishes, that no matter the amount of time they take we don't regret making it because it tastes so dang good..just like a little piece of heaven..:) 
   We want to learn how to paint, draw, do pottery and ceramics, learn to decorate cakes, write our own cookbook... That last one there--write our own cookbook...that is where this blog comes into play. This blog is going to be the start of something new for us. It is going to help us get started on our cooking adventure(s).
   We both want to own a greenhouse, own a bird, learn origami, learn to sew like a pro...all fun stuff, at least to us.:)
   Travel. That is a big part of our adventures together. We want to visit alot of beautiful countries and take in the wonders and mystery that each one has to offer. We want to live in Paris, even if it is for just a little while...Sophia can study art there while I play cello somewhere. I, Jaden want to also live in India for at least six months after I graduate college...I want to experience the culture, food, language, all the good things there are to experience.:)
   Yes, we even want to learn sports...and believe me, we are not athletic people. The most working out you will see us do is yoga. But, on a brighter note...we want to learn how to sail, surf, scooba dive and see all the creatures of the sea without being terrified of whats beneath us.haha. Ballroom dancing... that's another one too. :)
   And now we're on to the super far-fetched aspirations....we want to see a Broadway Show, meet Barbara Streisand, Meet Colin&Tom Hanks---I'm in love with them..;) We would also like to meet Jake Gyllenhaal and Homer Hickam--I want to work on rockets just like him, so his work is very inspirational to me.:) And as a somewhat connection to this blog....we want to meet Katherine and Sophie, the owners of Georgetown Cupcake...they inspired us to our last aspiration to ...OWN A BAKERY!! :D The funny thing is, my partner in this blog journey's name is Sophia which kind of goes with Sophie because people call her that all the time...and she has a sister named Katherine too!!.haha. I found it very ironic.

So, I am going to end this super obnoxiously long post by asking you to PLEASE FOLLOW THIS BLOG!!:) I know it kind of sucks right now, but there will be recipes and projects asap..!! :)

Love, Jaden

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